Fender Player Plus Telecaster
Epiphone Les Paul Studio
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Fender Player Plus Telecaster vs Epiphone Les Paul Studio

Reasons to Get
Fender Player Plus Telecaster over Epiphone Les Paul Studio

Country of Manufacturing
Mexico vs China
Built with higher quality standards
Release Year
2021 vs 2020
From a more recent year
Neck Profile
Modern C vs 60s Slim Taper
Comfortable neck that works for most people
Pickups Brand
Fender vs None
Pickups from a renown brand
Nut Material
Synthetic Bone vs Plastic
Good quality nut with rich tone
Pickup Mods
Series Split vs Coil Split
Connects pickups in series to imitate a humbucker
Neck Joint
Bolt-On vs Set
Allows you to detach and swap the neck
SS vs HH
Beautiful cleans
Locking Tuners
Yes vs None
Easier to change strings
Neck Thickness at 12th Fret
0.87'' (22.1mm) vs 0.93'' (23.6mm)
More comfortable at higher frets for small hands
Nut Width
1.685'' (42.8mm) vs 1.693'' (43mm)
Favors small hands, easier bar chords and other shapes
Scale Length
25.5'' (647.7mm) vs 24.75'' (628.7mm)
Lower action and brighter natural tone
Value Score
76 vs 75
Better price/quality relationship

Reasons to Get
Epiphone Les Paul Studio over Fender Player Plus Telecaster

Weight Relief
Yes vs None
Lighter Body
Decorative Top
Maple Cap with Plain Maple Veneer vs None
Finished with beautiful natural wood patterns
Neck Profile
60s Slim Taper vs Modern C
Thin and flat neck for playing fast
Pickup Mods
Coil Split vs Series Split
Splits humbuckers into single coil pickups
Volume Knobs
2 vs 1
More volume control
Tone Knobs
2 vs 1
More tone control
HH vs SS
High output without hum
Neck Thickness at 12th Fret
0.93'' (23.6mm) vs 0.87'' (22.1mm)
More comfortable at higher frets for big hands
Nut Width
1.693'' (43mm) vs 1.685'' (42.8mm)
Less likely to mute strings by accident and more space for fingerstyle
Scale Length
24.75'' (628.7mm) vs 25.5'' (647.7mm)
Easier bending, shorter fret separation and warmer natural tone

Other Key Differences
Fender Player Plus Telecaster vs Epiphone Les Paul Studio

Bridge Pickup
Player Plus Noiseless Tele vs Epiphone Alnico Classic PRO
Different Bridge Pickup
Neck Pickup
Player Plus Noiseless Tele vs Epiphone Alnico Classic PRO
Different Neck Pickup
Body Wood
Alder vs Mahogany
Different Body Wood
Neck Wood
Maple vs Mahogany
Different Neck Wood
Fretboard Wood
Maple vs Laurel
Different Fretboard Wood
6 vs 3-3
Different Headstock
Nut Material
Synthetic Bone vs Plastic
Different Nut Material

Shared Features
Fender Player Plus Telecaster vs Epiphone Les Paul Studio

Same playing style
Body Type
Solid Body
Feedback free
Switch Positions
Same pickups versatility
Number of Frets
Same maximum octave
Neck Thickness at 1st Fret
0.82'' (20.8mm)
Same neck comfortability
Paint Finish
Resistant paint that ages well
Good sustain and needs no set-up
Fretboard Radius
12'' (304.8mm)
Same fretboard comfortability
Pickups Power
Cleaner sound and no battery needed
Type of Frets
Medium Jumbo
You'll feel the fretboard when pressing down the strings

Common Weaknesses

  • Stays in Tune (Evertune)
  • High-Quality Frets
  • Compound Radius Fretboard
  • Luminescent Sidedots
  • Strap Lock
  • 21:1 Tuner Ratio
  • Active/Passive Preamp

Price History Comparison


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Which One is Better for Beginners?

The Fender Player Plus Telecaster meets 6 out of our 8 criteria items for beginner friendliness, while the Epiphone Les Paul Studio meets only 4. This takes into account the type of frets, scale length, nut width, bridge type, fretboard radius, and neck profile to determine the easiest combination for new players.

New Player Friendliness

Fender Player Plus Telecaster
  • Comfortable shape
  • Easy-to-use bridge
  • Locking tuners
  • Tall frets
  • Narrow nut
  • Comfortable neck
  • Comfortable fretboard
  • Short scale

New Player Friendliness

Epiphone Les Paul Studio
  • Comfortable shape
  • Easy-to-use bridge
  • Tall frets
  • Comfortable neck
  • Comfortable fretboard
  • Narrow nut
  • Short scale
  • Locking tuners

Nevertheless, when it comes to choosing an instrument, you should pick the one more compatible with your personal style. Still, below we'll try you to give you our results as objectively as it's possible to help you decide.

Sound Quality Comparison

The wood used in an electric guitar or bass is not as important to determine the final tone. However, some people prefer specific wood types, so we'll take a look at those first. Then, we'll take a look at the electronics to determine the versatility and sound quality of each instrument.

Woods Used in the Fender Player Plus Telecaster

Maple wood pattern used for guitar building
Alder wood pattern used for guitar building

Maple is one of the most popular necks for good reasons. It is a strong wood that is relatively cheap to make and looks beautiful. The highest quality maple is the hardest that comes from North America. Find out more about Maple.

Alder is the most popular wood that Fender uses in most of their guitars nowadays. Even though they say it's because of its balanced tone with an emphasis in the upper midrange, it probably is because it isn't too expensive, and it's also pretty lightweight—more than Mahogany. Find out more about Alder.

Woods Used in the Epiphone Les Paul Studio

Mahogany wood pattern used for guitar building
Laurel wood pattern used for guitar building

Mahogany is a fairly rare wood nowadays. It's used mostly for bodies due to its relatively lightweight. Gibson popularized it with their Les Paul guitars during their golden years, so this wood has a lot of good reputation behind it. The most expensive type comes from South America and it's still used by Gibson even today. Find out more about Mahogany.

There are many types of Laurel, but East Indian is the most common for guitar building. Its color can vary from dark to light brown with black lines. Many people find its tonality similar to Rosewood, which favors the warmer frequencies. Find out more about Laurel.

Winner: Epiphone Les Paul Studio.

Pickup Configuration

The Fender Player Plus Telecaster has an SS configuration while the Epiphone Les Paul Studio has HH pickups.

SS is the classic Telecaster configuration. It's used mainly for playing clean or with low-gain distortion, and it's very popular for the country genre because of their brightness. It doesn't give you as much versatility as a Strat SSS configuration, but you might like the cleaner look of a guitar body with fewer pickups.

On the other hand, Double Humbucker (HH) is the choice for people who want a fuller, more round sound with tons of mids and lows. Humbuckers also get rid of the hum noise that plague single-coil pickups. They can work out for almost any genre going from Djent to even Jazz.

Pickups Quality

The Fender Player Plus Telecaster has pickups from a more specialized brand than the Epiphone Les Paul Studio. Its pickups should simply give you a better, fuller sound, although it all depends on what type of music you're going to play. We recommend these pickups for Country and similar genres.

Both use Passive pickups. This is what's used for most music genres. They have a regular output and will serve you for both high-gain and clean tones. The alternative (Active pickups) offer a higher output that is mostly used for heavy music.

Winner: Fender Player Plus Telecaster.

Versatility Comparison

Some instruments offer you more ways to explore your creativity than others. Below you'll find how both compare when it comes to versatility.

Switch Options

Both are equal when it comes to the pickup switching option.

Both give you different pickup mod options.

The Fender Player Plus Telecaster offers Series Split.

The Series Split feature allows it to split and connect some of the pickups in series. When wired in series, the resulting tone is similar to a Humbucker's. The pickups will work together and produce a fuller tone with more output than single-coils, but less than Humbuckers.

On the other hand, the Epiphone Les Paul Studio comes with the following: Coil Split.

Coil Split lets you disconnect one of the pickup coils. When used with humbuckers, it turns them into single-coil with lower output and cleaner tone.

Fender Player Plus Telecaster pickups switch and push knobs diagram
Fender Player Plus Telecaster's switch options
Epiphone Les Paul Studio pickups switch and push knobs diagram
Epiphone Les Paul Studio's switch options

When evaluating versatility, we also take into consideration bridge and neck joint type, number of frets, switch options, amount of pickups and more.

Winner: Fender Player Plus Telecaster.

Final Sound Quality Scores

Fender Player Plus Telecaster
Pickups 100
Sustain 65
Versatility 64
Tuning Stability 80
Sound 77
Epiphone Les Paul Studio
Pickups 60
Sustain 70
Versatility 63
Tuning Stability 65
Sound 65

Build Quality Comparison

When it comes to build quality, we like to take into account everything used to build the instrument. This includes materials, hardware and the quality control expected depending on the country where it was built. Let's see how the Fender Player Plus Telecaster compares to the Epiphone Les Paul Studio.

Country of Origin

The manufacturing country can tell a lot about the build quality of an instrument. The Fender Player Plus Telecaster is built in Mexico while the Epiphone Les Paul Studio is made in China.

Mexico has been for a long time where Fender has built their semi-premium series. If you don't want to overpay for a wellp-built instrument, a guitar built in this country by a good brand always offers good value for the money.

China has a bad reputation when it comes to building quality. However, times have changed and now respectable brands use China's cheap labor to build good instruments for a lower price. Don't discount a guitar only because it was built in China, but also expect more quality from countries like Korea.

Winner: Fender Player Plus Telecaster

Nut Material

If you want your guitar to stay in tune and sound good, you need a well cut nut. Nut quality can be inconsistent even when comparing two copies of the same model. The best way to make sure you're nut will be well done is by getting a nut made by an expert company like TUSQ or Micarta.

The Fender Player Plus Telecaster has a Synthetic Bone nut. Bone is the best natural material for guitar nuts. However, its tonal properties can be inconsistent. That's the problem that synthetic bone fixes. This is much better than using a plastic nut because the nut is more slippery—which helps with tuning stability—, and it gives your open strings rich harmonics.

On the other hand, the Epiphone Les Paul Studio comes with a Plastic nut. This is a low-quality nut that you might want to consider upgrading soon. Bone and TUSQ nuts are the best for guitars with a fixed or simple tremolo bridge.

Winner: Fender Player Plus Telecaster.

Fret Material

Most fret wire is made of nickel silver. This material eventually wears down after a lot of use and most instruments end up needing a complete fret replacement. However, some expensive models come with stainless steel frets. This is what you should aim for if you can afford it.

Unfortunately, none of them come with stainless steel frets.

Winner: Tie.


The perfect bridge for you will depend on your playstyle because they all have advantages and disadvantages. However, some bridges are more expensive—like Floyd Roses and Evertunes—and thus add more value to a guitar.

Both come with a similar bridge: Fixed. It's a simple bridge that is very beginner-friendly since it doesn't require any set-up. You can swap strings easily. It might also give more sustain since it doesn't have complex moving parts that make the strings lose vibration. However, it doesn't have the same versatility as a tremolo bridge.

Since we need to be objective, the most expensive type of bridge will be the winner of this section. In the end, this doesn't matter if you're not going to use the bridge for its original purpose, so choose the bridge that fits your playing style better.

Winner: Tie.


The Fender Player Plus Telecaster has the best tuners of the two because they are locking tuners. They'll help to keep your guitar in tune because they allow you to tune it without wrapping the strings around the posts. This avoids variations in the tuning due to the strings changing position at the post after a bend. They come at the disadvantage of being slightly heavier than regular tuners. Also, it makes it a lot easier to restring.

Winner: Fender Player Plus Telecaster.

Neck Joint

Contrary to popular belief, the difference in sustain and tone that some neck joints give to a guitar is simply unperceivable—if they're all well built. However, some of them do have advantages over the others.

The Fender Player Plus Telecaster has a Bolt-On neck joint. This neck is joined to the body by 4 bolts that you can simply unscrew. This allows you to replace the neck or take it off for travel. It's the most common and cheapest way to build a guitar.

On the other hand, the Epiphone Les Paul Studio comes with Set neck joint. This neck is tightly glued to the body. They give you the least versatility because you can't swap them for a neck that fits your hand better if you want to, unlike bolt-on necks. Some people think this gives more resonance and sustain, but there's no real difference if the bolt-on joint is well built.

Winner: Fender Player Plus Telecaster.

Here is the list of features that were considered when choosing the winner in the Features subcategory:

Strengths & Weaknesses
Fender Player Plus Telecaster
  • Locking Tuners
  • Synthetic Bone Nut
  • Top Brand Pickups
  • Series Split Pickups
  • Cheap Fret Wire (NS)
  • Made in Mexico
  • No Expensive Woods
  • No Neck-Through Build
  • No Weight Relief
  • No Luminescent Inlay
  • No Tremolo
  • No Compound Radius Fretboard
  • No 21:1 Tuner Ratio
  • No Strap Lock
Strengths & Weaknesses
Epiphone Les Paul Studio
  • Expensive Wood
  • Coil Split Pickups
  • Weight Relief
  • Cheap Fret Wire (NS)
  • No Locking Tuners
  • Made in China
  • No High-Quality Nut
  • No Top Brand Pickups
  • No Neck-Through Build
  • No Luminescent Inlay
  • No Tremolo
  • No Compound Radius Fretboard
  • No 21:1 Tuner Ratio
  • No Strap Lock

Final Build Quality Scores

Fender Player Plus Telecaster
Quality of materials 56
Features 65
Quality Control 70
Build Quality 64
Epiphone Les Paul Studio
Quality of materials 58
Features 60
Quality Control 55
Build Quality 58

Playability Comparison

Let's now compare their playability. Bear in mind that the instrument will feel different depending on your hand size and play style. That's why you should always test before buying. But if you can't or want a second opinion on it, we can still take a look at each of the important measurements of the instrument for you. This way, we can predict how easy a guitar might be to play, or how different it will feel compared to the other.

Remember that, even though the difference might seem small, every inch counts when it comes to feeling of the instrument in your hands. Any variation can completely change how comfortable a guitar feels in your hands.

Nut Width

Fender Player Plus Telecaster Nut Width
Fender Player Plus Telecaster Nut Width
Epiphone Les Paul Studio Nut Width
Epiphone Les Paul Studio Nut Width

The nut width will affect the separation between strings at the nut. In this comparison, the Epiphone Les Paul Studio has the wider nut with 43mm (1.693'') vs 42.8mm (1.685''). This is a 0.2mm (0.008'') difference

This means that it will be more difficult to do bar chords on the Epiphone Les Paul Studio, especially closer to the nut. However, it's also easier to play without muting strings accidently. This favors people with big hands.

Scale Length

Fender Player Plus Telecaster's Scale Length
Fender Player Plus Telecaster's Scale Length
Epiphone Les Paul Studio's Scale Length
Epiphone Les Paul Studio's Scale Length

The scale length is one of the things that influences playability the most. This is the distance between the nut and the bridge and will affect everything from low action allowance, difficulty to perform bends, fret separation, and even tone.

The Fender Player Plus Telecaster has the longest scale: 25.5". The Epiphone Les Paul Studio is only 24.75" long. This is a 0.75'' (19.1mm) scale length difference.

This longer scale means that the strings need more tension to get in tune. This is good if you want to avoid fret buzz, which can happen when the strings are too loose and touch the frets while vibrating. This is especially important when playing in lower tunings. This will also let you reduce the gap between fretboard and strings (low action) to make them easier to press down. However, this higher tension will also make it harder to perform bends and vibratos as the strings will feel stiffer.

This also means that the frets have a longer separation between each other, so this will make it harder for people with smaller hands when playing some chord positions.

Another characteristic of a longer scale is that it makes the guitar sound 'snappier' or brighter. This is due to the extra separation between harmonics and overtones produced by the tension. This influences tone more than any other factor (except the pickups).

Lastly, remember that you can also affect the tension of the strings by changing your string gauge. You can use a thicker gauge for more tension and a lighter one for less tension.

Neck Profile

Fender Player Plus Telecaster Neck Profile
Fender Player Plus Telecaster's neck profile
Epiphone Les Paul Studio Neck Profile
Epiphone Les Paul Studio's neck profile

No single neck shape is better than others. However, most people tend to prefer a thinner necks because it doesn't get in their way when playing fast and most hand sizes can adapt to it pretty well. However, some people still prefer thicker necks for a better grip, especially if they have big hands.

In this case, both have different neck shapes:

The Fender Player Plus Telecaster has a C type of neck. This is what you'll find in most modern guitars. Most people feel like the thickness of a C neck is simply the less intrusive one for playing fast, while at the same time allowing you to grab the neck easily for resting if you want to.

The Epiphone Les Paul Studio, on the other hand, has a D neck. This is a thin and flat neck that is made for playing fast. If you prefer a neck that doesn't get in your way when soloing, this is the shape you should use. Guitarists that prefer to have a bit more grip won't like this type of neck.

Fretboard Radius

Fender Player Plus Telecaster Fingerboard Radius
Both Guitars Have The Same Fretboard Radius

Most guitar fretboards are not flat; they usually have a curve or arc across their width. A curved fretboard will make it easier to perform chords without muting strings, while a flatter one will make it easier to play single notes, which is good for bending and soloing in general. The best fretboards have a compound radius that varies across the fingerboard, but they're not common since they take a lot more work to build.

Both the Fender Player Plus Telecaster and the Epiphone Les Paul Studio have the same fretboard radius of 12". This is the radius used in most Gibson guitars. It gives you a good balance for playing chords without muting, but also good comfortability for playing single notes and bending.

Hand Size Comfortability

Everyone has a different hand size, and that's why it's recommended to try a guitar before buying, even if others tell you that it's comfortable to play. However, we can know whether a guitar favors small or large hands just by knowing its exact measurements.

And after taking into account the scale length, nut width, neck profile and fretboard radius, we can conclude that the Epiphone Les Paul Studio favors large hands more than the Fender Player Plus Telecaster. But it's still more comfortable for people with small hands, as you can see in the score meter below.

Fender Player Plus Telecaster:
Big Hands
Small Hands
Epiphone Les Paul Studio:
Big Hands
Small Hands

Fret Size

Fender Player Plus Telecaster and Epiphone Les Paul Studio Frets Size
Both have a similar Medium Jumbo fret size

Both have a Medium Jumbo fret size. These are slightly shorter than full Jumbo frets, so you'll still feel the fretboard when pressing down the strings. However, they interfere less with your fretting hand than medium-size frets. This is a good size if you like easy-to-press frets, but would still like to feel a bit of the fretboard when playing.

Final Playability Scores

Fender Player Plus Telecaster
Bending & Vibrato Ease 75
Chord Playability 70
Solo Playability 70
Playability 72
Epiphone Les Paul Studio
Bending & Vibrato Ease 85
Chord Playability 65
Solo Playability 70
Playability 73

Specs Side-by-Side

Fender Player Plus Telecaster vs Epiphone Les Paul Studio
General Fender Player Plus Telecaster Epiphone Les Paul Studio
Brand: Fender Epiphone
Year: 2021 2020
Configuration: SS HH
Strings: 6 6
Made in: Mexico China
Series: Player Plus Modern Collection
Colors: Sunburst, Green, Red, Gray White, Black, Red, Brown Burst Burst
Left-Handed Version: No No
Type: Solid Body Solid Body
Body Material: Alder Mahogany
Bridge: 6-Saddle Strings-Through-Body Tele LockTone Tune-O-Matic
Neck Joint: Bolt-On Set
Tuners: Deluxe Cast/Sealed Locking (all short posts) Grover Rotomatic
Fretboard: Maple Indian Laurel
Neck Material: Maple Mahogany
Decoration: Black Pearloid Dot Trapezoid
Scale Size: 25.5" 24.75"
Shape: Modern C 60s Slim Taper
Thickness: 1st Fret: 0.82'' (20.8mm) - 12th Fret: 0.87'' (22.1mm) 1st Fret: 0.82'' (20.8mm) - 12th Fret: 0.93'' (23.6mm)
Frets: 22 Medium Jumbo Nickel Silver 22 Medium Jumbo Nickel Silver
Fretboard Radius: 12" 12"
Nut: Synthetic Bone Plastic
Nut Width: 42.8mm (1.685'') 43mm (1.693'')
Bridge Pickup: Player Plus Noiseless Tele (Single Coil / Passive) Epiphone Alnico Classic PRO (Humbucker / Passive)
Middle Pickup:
Neck Pickup: Player Plus Noiseless Tele (Single Coil / Passive) Epiphone Alnico Classic PRO (Humbucker / Passive)
Switch: 3 Way 3 Way
Knobs: Dome Speed
Pickup Mods: Series Split Coil Split
Volume Controls: 1 2
Tone Controls: 1 2