Hello everybody!

Will here, the creator of FindMyGuitar. Today I'd like to announce something I've been thinking about and working on for a while: the official FindMyGuitar forums. I know many people love using this website, but I rarely hear from them. I'd like to change that with this forum. I also feel there's a lot of potential for creating a cool community with like-minded people who love the guitar and can help each other.

Why a forum in 2024 when there are other popular alternatives already?

This is a tough question, but I believe we have something others don't have. We already have the instruments on our database, allowing us to connect people interested in these guitars with others who want them. This makes it easier for people to find others with experience with that specific instrument.

We all know how hard it is to buy a guitar online. You need to feel it, play it and try it to your heart's extent to make sure it's the right one for you. But what happens when you don't have that possibility? The only way is to find others who have experienced that guitar and ask them directly. This is something that this website's system of product lists makes easier and it's something unique that others like Reddit don't offer.

You will notice when you create a new thread that you can add a product from our database to your thread. This is what allows us to connect your thread/topic with people who are familiar with the instrument. This will help you get more replies from people who've had first-hand experience with it. 

Moreover, I'm always trying to guess what you guys would like to see here. Instead, I want to hear directly from you to get new ideas for improvements. This is another reason I wanted to create a forum like this.

We already have some cool features like the ability to vote on how a guitar actually feels. Soon, I want to add the ability for you guys to also add your guitars' weight, measurements of the neck, and more. This will help others have a better idea of what kind of instrument they would get if they buy it online.

For now, this is a straightforward forum without many features.  I will be adding more soon—like being able to upload your pictures. But for now, this will do! This way we can start building a community.

Some basic rules

For now, the only rule is to keep it civil and not use this forum for self-promotion. You can start a thread about anything related to guitars, basses, or our website. If you want to report a bug, I prefer if you write an email directly to me (see the About Us page). You can also use the forums to suggest a guitar or brand to add to the website. This latter would be cool on a forum since I can see how many people would want those guitars added.

If you'd like to say something this thread is open for you to share your thoughts.
